Business Jesus. I really hope he wasn’t involved in those subprime mortgages.
No. Jesus wouldn’t shake on that…
Artist and Jesus-enthusiast, Nathan Greene has put Jesus in someone awkward positions, if you ask me. The artist has taken some liberties with where people want to have Jesus show up. I know, they are meant to be reassuring with the underlying message that “Jesus is IN your daily life” but the effect in these works of art are more funny, and a little creepy, like Jesus is stalking you, or just might appear when you least expect it. (Painter Stephen Sawyer has him shooting up!) Nathan’s reproductions sell for as much $1495, but if you’re interested, he has posters too. Hey, regardless of your faith, art is supposed to be something sacred, right? If so, these might be blasphemy…

Jesus with Adam & Eve? (see, not Adam & Steve!) or is it Jon Hamm & Anne Hathaway?
Anyway, that Garden of Eden hair care really works great!
(Images, Stephen Sawyer, Nathan Green)
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